Cities and Infrastructure for Growth Zambia

Sub-Saharan Africa - Zambia

2018-2025 | FCDO | GBP 13.8M

Managed by Cowater, CIG Zambia is providing demand-led technical assistance to Zambian government bodies and private sector organisations in the areas of urban planning, infrastructure service delivery and energy access, with a view to harnessing the power of cities and infrastructure for economic growth. The programme is also working to improve investment project design and promote investment. Gender and inclusion and climate resilience are mainstreamed across all CIGZambia technical assistance projects. The main objectives of CIG Zambia are to drive economic transformation and job creation in line with the Government of Zambia’s 7th National Development Plan. The programme is focused on diversifying the economy, reducing poverty, creating jobs for women and men, building climate resilience, and setting Zambia on a path to becoming a middle-income country

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