
UK-funded TAF2+ Programme launches paper on trade and disability at the WTO Public Forum News

19 September, 2024

The Trade and Investment Advocacy Fund (TAF2+) Programme, a key initiative of the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), implemented by Cowater International, has supported research that explores how inclusive trade policies can uplift marginalised communities, especially persons with disabilities. A paper titled Trade Agreements and Disability Inclusion: Demystifying the Disconnect Between Barriers and Policy Solutions”, funded by TAF2+, was authored by Dr. Amrita Bahri – a leading advocate and researcher in advancing inclusive trade policies and was launched on September 13th at the World Trade Organization (WTO) Public Forum.

“Trade agreements impact all lives, and they can disproportionately impact the lives of those who are marginalised or vulnerable. However, if negotiated through an inclusive lens, they can also lead to positive results for all, including marginalised groups such as persons with disabilities, women, and indigenous communities.”, highlighted Dr. Bahri.

The study was launched during a WTO Public Forum session, entitled: “Re-globalization: Better Trade for a Better World.” The event began with opening remarks from WTO Deputy Director-General Angela Ellard, who emphasised the critical need for trade policies to reflect the realities of all people, particularly those who are often overlooked. The panel was moderated by Anoush der Boghossian, Head of the WTO’s Trade and Gender Office and included comments by trade lawyer Peter Van den Bossche, and Graham Mott, a trade and development expert from UNCTAD.

One of the unique aspects of the TAF2+ paper launch was its commitment to accessibility, marking the session as the first and only one at this year’s WTO Public Forum to feature live International Sign Language (ISL) interpretation. This inclusion reflects the very principles outlined in Dr. Bahri’s work—ensuring that persons with disabilities are not only part of the conversation but are empowered to actively participate in shaping the future of global trade.

TAF2+ provides trade and investment negotiation support to developing countries and is funded by the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) as part of its mandate to lead the UK’s efforts in eradicating extreme poverty. The fund aims to enhance the technical expertise and coordination of trade and investment ministries in developing countries, facilitating their increased participation and engagement in vital trade and investment negotiations.

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