Support to Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) Dialogue Facility

South and South-East Asia - Asia

2012-2016 | European Commission | EUR 2.6 M

The Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) is an intergovernmental process, established in 1996, to foster dialogue and cooperation between Asia and Europe by addressing political, economic, financial, social, cultural, and educational issues of common interest, in equal partnership. Implemented by Cowater International (formerly Transtec), this project enhanced this partnership by contributing to the official ASEM process in a number of fields relevant to ASEM partners, and in particular to ASEM developing countries. Specific activities were carried out included: organising dialogue forums, meetings, and events including trainings; organising studies; providing administrative support to Senior Officials and ASEM coordinators; enhancing engagement of all stakeholders; and enhancing the visibility of the ASEM process.

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