Enabling Growth that Benefits All
Cowater International brings a market systems development lens to inclusive growth, with dual emphasis on innovation in economic growth and the inclusion of marginalized and vulnerable communities, including women and girls, people with disabilities, and informal or migrant workers. Cowater International’s approach to market systems development addresses the root causes of market failures, overcoming systemic challenges to drive inclusive economic transformation. Our approach ensures that disadvantaged communities participate in economic growth, including investments in private sector initiatives that benefit the poor as suppliers, workers and consumers
Employment and labour market development
Cowater International works in partnership with governments, the private sector and industry to build a skilled and competitive labour force. Through a wide gamut of education,…
Livelihoods and agriculture development
Agriculture is the main source of income and employment for 70% of the world’s poorest living in rural areas. Cowater International delivers large-scale rural development programs…
Women’s economic empowerment
Women’s economic empowerment is central to poverty eradication and achieving inclusive growth. We facilitate gender sensitization activities to engage communities, families, and leaders in promoting women’s…