Technical Support to the MONUSCO Stabilisation Unit in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Sub-Saharan Africa - Democratic Republic of Congo

2014-2016 | European Commission | EUR 1.9 M

The objective of the technical support to the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the DR Congo (MONUSCO) was to contribute to peace and stability in the Eastern Region of the Democratic Repblic of Congo, by supporting the Stabilisation Support Unit (UAS) in programming and identifying projects and programmes to produce provincial stabilisation strategies.   Capacity building was a key element of the project and supported the UAS and the Congolese government to enhance their capacity to produce provincial stabilisation strategies to shape and inform action plans.  This strengthened the capacity of the UAS to undertake conflict and needs diagnosis by geographical area; provided assistance to the UAS to develop geographical projects/programmes within the framework of International Strategy for Supporting Security and Stabilisation; revised monitoring and evaluation methodologies and indicators for the programmes;  and produced provincial stabilisation strategies consolidated in the Stabilization and Reconstruction in Conflict-Affected Territories.



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