Cambodia and Australia Launch Food Innovation Partnership to Support Agri-food SMEs
Today, Cambodia and Australia launched a new Food Innovation Partnership to support Cambodia’s agri-food small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) develop new products, meet food safety standards and improve their market reach.
The partnership is funded by the Royal Government of Cambodia through Khmer Enterprise, and the Australian Government through the Cambodia Australia Partnership for Resilient Economic Development (CAPRED). This initiative will also collaborate with Institute of Technology of Cambodia, the Royal University of Agriculture, the National University of Battambang, and the Kampong Speu Institute of Technology.
The three workstreams of the partnership are:
- Food Innovation Fund: Providing financial support to SMEs to develop new products, improve their market reach, or meet food safety standards.
- Food Innovation Service Sector: Assisting SMEs in accessing food and technology services such as food processing, technology, market information, branding and packaging.
- Agri-Food Innovation Summit: Bringing together SMEs, researchers, and other stakeholders to share knowledge and ideas about food innovation.
“Australia is committed to supporting the development of a vibrant agri-food sector that contributes to resilient, inclusive and sustainable economic growth in Cambodia,” said Justin Whyatt, Australian Ambassador to Cambodia.
“In line with Khmer Enterprise’s vision and mission to expand the market potential for SMEs both locally and internationally, this fund will help to level the playing field for Cambodian SMEs and give them the resources they need to succeed ,” said H.E. Dr. Chhieng Vanmunin, Khmer Enterprise’s CEO.
The Cambodia Australia Partnership for Resilient Economic Development (CAPRED) is a five-year program funded by the Australian Government and implemented by Cowater International. CAPRED focuses on three pillars: agriculture and agro-processing, infrastructure services, and trade, investment and enterprise development.
CAPRED’s overall aim is to bring social and economic benefits to all Cambodians. Gender equality, disability and social inclusion (GEDSI) and climate adaptation and mitigation are integrated into all program activities.
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