
Cowater International marks International Anti-Corruption Day News

9 December, 2022

On International Anti-Corruption Day, Cowater International, in collaboration with Global Affairs Canada, is delighted to celebrate our partnership with the Government of South Africa in the implementation of the Strengthening Ethics and Integrity Project in South Africa (SEIP). SEIP aims to increase the accountability, efficiency and transparency of the South African public administration in delivering gender-responsive services to the public. This is accomplished through the provision of technical assistance to support the South African Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) in the design and operationalisation of a specialised unit – the Public Administration Ethics, Integrity and Disciplinary Technical Assistance Unit (PAEIDTAU).

PAEIDTAU’s mission is directly aligned with South Africa’s National Anti-Corruption Strategy 2020-2030 (NACS), which aims to, among others, enhance governance, oversight and consequence management in the public administration. SEIP provides technical support to PAEIDTAU in relation to ethics, integrity and discipline management activities across all three branches of government.

In addition to a focus on ethics, integrity and discipline management, the South African government has also implemented a new mechanism to address corruption, namely Lifestyle Audits. This three-phased activity consists of: a) a review from a risk assessment perspective; b) a lifestyle investigation and; c) a Lifestyle Audit. SEIP has provided assistance in the production of a guide to implement Lifestyle Audits in the Public Service, has developed a range of communication products and a basic fraud training program. SEIP will continue to provide assistance in the next year in the development of a directive, procedures and tools to standardize and professionalize Lifestyle Audit investigations.

SEIP has also assisted PAEIDTAU in creating and implementing the first guide on the prevention and management of conflicts of interest in the public service. This new guide is implemented through training initiatives and the development of operational tools to support departments in managing the risks of conflict of interest they are facing. Appropriate management of conflict of interest situations considerably helps to reduce the work contexts that favour corrupt practices.

By being actively involved in the development of such anti-corruption initiatives, Global Affairs Canada, through SEIP, joins international efforts that emphasize the importance of fighting against corruption.

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