News & Insights


Cowater awarded contract to strengthen environmental management of mining and energy activities in Peru

27 January, 2016

Cowater awarded new contract to strengthen the investment climate and improve economic development in Indonesia

8 January, 2016

Cowater awarded AUD 51.5M contract for the DFAT-funded “Empowering Indonesian Women Through Poverty Reduction” (MAMPU) Program

30 November, 2015

World Toilet Day: Cowater leading the way in improving access to water, sanitation and hygiene in Africa

19 November, 2015

Cowater CEO Joins DFATD Infrastructure Advisory Group

6 October, 2015

DFATD announces $12M funding to Cowater project in Sahel Region of Burkina Faso

7 September, 2015

Cowater to start inception phase of USD 24.7M Water Smart Meter Business Transformation Project with the Barbados Water Authority

13 August, 2015

Improving water resource management in Afghanistan: 30 engineers enrolled in Master’s Degree programs at the Asian Institute of Technology

20 July, 2015

Cowater awarded contract to support Lusaka Water and Sewerage Company and Lusaka City Council

17 June, 2015