Energy and Sustainable Economic Growth in the Boucle du Mouhoun Region (ECED-Mouhoun)

Sub-Saharan Africa - Burkina Faso

2017-2023 | Global Affairs Canada (GAC), Burkina Faso National Agency for Rural Electrification (ABER), Windiga Energy | CAD 18.2M

Cowater, in collaboration with the Burkina Faso National Agency for Rural Electrification, Windiga Energy and the Ministry of Energy, is implementing this project in the Boucle de Mouhoun region of Burkina Faso. The project seeks to increase inclusive and sustainable economic growth in the region by improving livelihoods and employment opportunities for youth, women, and men through the electrification of rural communities and creating an enabling environment for climate smart development. Project interventions aim to improve rural access to energy through electrical grid extension for 15 communities, installation of off-grid solar PV for 30 rural health clinics and 10 rural entrepreneurs, as well as market development for pico-PV lights and solar home systems. Moreover, access to solar-powered equipment, training and financing will help boost agricultural productivity in off-grid areas for over 100 women’s groups and individual entrepreneurs. Local governance will also be strengthened through the creation of local electricity cooperatives and the use of innovative payment methods such as Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG) technology. The project will directly benefit over 40,000 people through improved access to energy, while 400,000 people will have increased awareness on renewable energy or improved access to health services in off-grid areas.

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