Generating Revenue Opportunities for Women and Youth (GROW)

Middle East and North Africa - West Bank

2018-2023 | Global Affairs Canada | CAD 9M

The “Generating Revenue Opportunities for Women and Youth (GROW)” project is a four-year initiative undertaken with the financial support of the Government of Canada provided through Global Affairs Canada (GAC). The initiative aims to enhance economic empowerment and increase prosperity for low-income women and youth in the West Bank. The project responds to the development needs and challenges facing women and young female entrepreneurs in the West Bank to move beyond their essential but largely unrecognized roles, ultimately contributing to their increased voice and agency in both social and economic spheres, while enhancing the overall productivity and competitiveness of the agricultural sector. The project will focus on three inter-related intermediate outcomes: (1) reduced barriers to entrepreneurship faced by women; (2) enhanced opportunities for women entrepreneurs to successfully establish and/or grow sustainable businesses; and (3) enhanced opportunities for female entrepreneurs, particularly female youth, to support the adoption of renewable energy in the olive and agro-food processing value chains. The initiative will additionally adopt a gender transformative approach aimed at recognizing, formalizing, and amplifying women’s existing roles within target value chains, whilst promoting women’s increased decision-making and control over income, assets, and productive resources.

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