Technical Assistance to the implementation of the Ukraine Recovery Programme (URP) Framework Loan

Europe and Central Asia - Ukraine

2021-2026 | EIB | EUR 6.9m

The Ukraine Recovery Programme (URP) is a framework loan to finance priority investments schemes in the municipal and social infrastructure sectors that have been adversely affected as a consequence of the conflict in eastern Ukraine, as well as relieving increased pressure on (social) infrastructure in other regions of the country due to the influx of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs). The project provides financing to some 200-400 individual small to medium sub-projects in critical areas such as rehabilitation and energy efficiency for housing, schools, health facilities and social centres, reestablishment/recovery of water, wastewater, rehabilitation of local and regional roads and bridges, and other relevant infrastructures.
The overall objective of the Technical Assistance is to support the proper implementation of the URP project framework loan: support multi-sector investment schemes in the municipal and social infrastructure sectors that have been adversely affected as a consequence of the conflict in east Ukraine, as well as relieving increased pressure on (social) infrastructure in other regions of the country due to the influx of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs).
The Project covers three geographical areas:
(i) the conflict-affected areas in the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts under control of the Ukrainian Government;
(ii) the four surrounding oblasts (Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia), which are under heavy pressure on social services and other infrastructure, due to the influx of IDPs                    and other disruptions related to the conflict; and
(iii) specific local councils in other oblasts that are hosting significant influxes of IDPs to help addressing the increased pressure on social infrastructure and housing

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