Framework Agreement for Global Capacity Development Programme on Sustainable Public Procurement

Global - Global

2021-2025 | Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) | SEK 20.27 M

Sustainable Public Procurement promotes practices that are sustainable and in accordance with national policies and priorities.

With the imminent target of Agenda 2030, governments and organizations around the world are striving to find new and innovative ways of reaching their Sustainable Development Goals. This has led to a surge in interest in Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP) as a means of ensuring that procurement policies and practices generate benefits not only for the organizations involved, but also for the environment, society and the economy.

SPP is the process by which public authorities seek to achieve the appropriate balance between the three pillars of sustainable development – economic, social and environmental – when procuring goods, services or works. It allows organizations to purchase what they need, while at the same time using the procurement process to support their strategic development goals.

Our world-leading programme with Sida and Crown Agents

Through a joint venture between Cowater International Sweden and Crown Agents, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) is meeting the demand to develop SPP practices by funding a Global Capacity Development Programme on Sustainable Public Procurement to support the increased use of SPP practices in its partner countries. The programme will enable stakeholders to work together to accelerate sustainable procurement practices globally and ensure their purchasing decisions reflect broader goals linked to resource efficiency, climate change, social responsibility and economic resilience.

In Zambia, Tanzania, Mozambique, Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda, Guatemala, Bolivia and Colombia our consultants have successfully supported a total of 33 participating organizations with training and mentoring, enabling them to strengthen SPP governance systems, practices and education in their countries.

Currently, we are initiating preparatory work for a regional programme in Eastern Europe, covering Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine.


How we’re supporting SPP initiatives around the world

We are partnering with a number of public organizations and stakeholders in each country to implement initiatives which promote the use of SPP.  We work with legislators and regulators on the development of SPP policies and guidelines. We support buying organizations to enhance their standard bidding documents and procurement tools by incorporating SPP, as well as piloting these initiatives.  In addition, we assist academic and training institutions to integrate SPP into their curriculums. Our capacity development support is provided through the methods of training workshops, mentorship, peer to peer learning, outreach and partnership.

The Sida SPP programme team will assist­ the different change teams through:


Learn more about the Sida SPP Programme:

English: Accelerating Development through Sustainable Public Procurement

Spanish: Aceleración del desarrollo mediante la contratación pública sostenible

Portuguese: Acelerando o desenvolvimento através da contratação pública sustentável

Georgian: განვითარების დაჩქარება მდგრადი საჯარო შესყიდვების მეშვეობით

Romanian: Accelerarea dezvoltarii prin achizitii publice durabile


Get in contact with our experts: 

Karin Billing:; +46 72050 5903

Elinor Nippard:; +44 7825 025692

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