Women’s Empowerment and Political Participation in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (WEPP-KP)

South and South-East Asia - Pakistan

2019-2023 | Global Affairs Canada | CAD 3M

The “Women’s Empowerment and Political Participation in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (WEPP-KP)” project is a four-year, CAD 3M initiative undertaken with the financial support of the Government of Canada provided through Global Affairs Canada (GAC). The initiative aims to increase the political empowerment and enjoyment of rights by women, particularly young and marginalized women and those at-risk in KP, by pursuing two inter-related intermediate outcomes: (1) improved gender responsive and inclusive systems of governments, democratic institutions and civil society organizations, nationally and sub-nationally; and (2) increased and equitable participation of women in democratic processes and public life, particularly young and marginalized women. Religious conservatism and tradition are deeply rooted and uphold social norms that perpetuate high levels of gender in-equality in Pakistan. Socio-cultural constraints restricting women’s and girls’ mobility, input into decision-making, economic and political participation, and access to resources, as well as high rates of gender-based violence, are all factors that contribute to gender inequality. By employing a gender-transformative approach aimed at recognizing, formalizing, and amplifying existing women’s institutions in KP, political empowerment and the interests of women, girls, and other marginalized groups will be represented; creating an environment for the equitable distribution of and access to crucial resources and contributing to the alleviation of poverty throughout KP.

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