
Official launch of the project Public Accountability and Women’s Participation in Mali News

17 September, 2019

The project Public Accountability and Women’s Participation in Mali held its official launch ceremony on Thursday, August 8, 2019 at the Sheraton Hotel in Bamako. The launch was carried out in collaboration with the Embassy of Canada in Mali and project partners. Placed under the presidency of Mali’s Prime Minister, Dr. Boubou Cisse, the event brought together approximately 300 participants from the Office of the Auditor General, members of civil society, representatives from the Ministry of Justice and its Economic and Financial Centres, representatives from Mali’s other public audit institutions as well as representatives from other implementation agencies funded by Global Affairs Canada in Mali.

The launch of the project allowed participants to improve their understanding of the project and take ownership of the expected results. This project implemented by Cowater is a new initiative aiming to promote responsible and inclusive governance in Mali through strengthening three key actors, the Office of the Auditor General of Mali (BVGM), the Economic and Financial Centers of the Ministry of Justice as well as the Citizen Watch Committees set up by the National Civil Society Council in their advocacy for increased accountability and effective participation of women in the public sphere.

This 4-year initiative, funded by Global Affairs Canada, will improve the socio-economic well-being of women and girls through better delivery of public services, and raise awareness of the traps and social costs of corruption across Mali. The project will strengthen the capacity of the Office of the Auditor General of Mali (OAG) to conduct audits in line with international standards, as well as to produce more accessible audit reports that integrate gender and environmentally aspects.

The project will also strengthen the capacity of civil society organizations to analyse, advocate and monitor development policies, while placing the participation of women’s groups at the heart of strengthening public sector accountability, thus enabling them to better fulfil their role as actors for development and social change. Finally, the project will focus on the fight against corruption through capacity building of the Economic and Financial Centers of the Ministry of Justice.

As a Canadian leader in the field of public financial management, and a key player in promoting gender equality, Cowater provides high quality technical interventions to ensure the success of this project, which has an overall cost of C$10.1 million over a four-year period. Cowater’s approach is based on a thorough understanding of Mali’s operating environment and offers institutional support from both local and international experts in order to achieve the impact and sustainability sought in this project.

For more information, please contact Michele Akpo, Team Leader:

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