Social-Economic Development of Vulnerable Populations in the Sahel (EPASEC)

Sub-Saharan Africa - Burkina Faso

2022-2029 | Global Affairs Canada | 39.8 m

The Socio-Economic Empowerment of Vulnerable Populations in the Sahel (EPASEC) project is a 6-year project that aims to reduce gender-based barriers to the socio-economic participation of women and marginalized groups by promoting their access to basic social services and economic opportunities, inclusive and participatory governance in the targeted communes of Dori, Falagountou and Gorom-Gorom in the Sahel region of Burkina Faso. The project acts mainly on three (3) major components: (i) improving local governance and territorial management at the level of three communes by strengthening cooperation between these communes and their knowledge and skills in planning and implementation of local development; (ii) facilitating access to basic services through the realization of water supply, hygiene and sanitation infrastructures and the training of the population and technical services in the maintenance and management ; and (iii) strengthening women’s leadership and economic development through the improvement of their skills and the promotion of a social and economic environment favourable to their development. 

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